Hi Andrej,
I agree that Dawkins, Hitchens and their militant atheist followers are moved by valid reasons. They see the many shortcomings of traditional organized religions (by which, I guess, many of them have been personally harmed), and they want to topple the kings in the sky in whose name many bad things have been done. Fair enough.
But their medicine is worse than the disease, a typical case of throwing away the baby with the dirty water. They try to steal from everyone the hope of seeing their loved ones again in an afterlife. Without this hope, I think, life is just unbearable.
I focus on showing that the cosmological core of religion, including benevolent God(s) and an afterlife, is perfectly compatible with science, and perfectly compatible with the possibility that future generations of humans could use advanced sci/tech to become like Gods and realize all the promises of traditional religion, including resurrecting the dead and re-making the universe.
Of course, the militant atheists are quick to dismiss these claims as “pseudoscience,” but that is just name calling, because they have no cogent arguments to offer in return.
Normally I would just ignore them. But they are doing a lot of damage to people everywhere, encouraging people to give up hope and embrace despair in the name of a dull, politically correct, forced atheism predicated on poorly understood science.
That’s why I want to say, loud and clear, don’t worry: Science does NOT rule out God(s) and afterlife (on the contrary, science provides solid supporting arguments), and you CAN believe in these things if you want to, without abandoning the scientific worldview. So be happier, and do something good.
BTW, this project is being discussed on the CTA mailing list.