Turing Church projects

Giulio Prisco
Turing Church
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019


My book “Tales of the Turing Church: Hacking religion, enlightening science, awakening technology” [*] is available for readers to buy on Amazon (Kindle | paperback).

Most (by far) readers’ reactions and reviews are positive, and often enthusiastic.

But I have some critical points myself:

  • Of course there are some typos and some things that I should have said better. I am collecting needed changes in a document titled “Tales of the Turing Church: Errata.”
  • My book is really a shopping catalog — I present some speculations on technological resurrection, scientific theology and all that, but don’t propose a clear and simple belief system. On the one hand, this is more intellectually honest, but on the other hand, my readers deserve simpler answers.
  • I guess the last part of my book is difficult to follow for those readers who don’t have a background in theoretical physics. I use mental pictures instead of equations, but perhaps the mental pictures are difficult to understand for those who haven’t spent years trying to understand the equations.
  • And of course, philosophy and science (and my understanding thereof) keep advancing.


  • I will produce a new edition of my book, to be published in a couple of years or so.
  • I will also write another book, derived from the new edition of “Tales of the Turing Church,” but much shorter, simpler, and compelling. The new book will be aimed at a mass audience.

UPDATE, February 2020: The second edition of “Tales of the Turing Church” is published.

UPDATE, June 2021: My new book “Futurist spaceflight meditations” is published.

UPDATE, June 2021: I am working on a new book project: Astounding universe, amazing grace.

Other Turing Church projects that I have in mind need money to pay collaborators. I have opened a donation page for those who wish to support these projects:

Turing Church magazine, 2.0

With the Turing Church magazine I strive to offer existential hope, compelling visions of awesome cosmic futures and “more things in heaven and earth” informed by speculative science, hope in afterlife, and ways to reconcile science and religion, spirituality and technology.

This is, I believe, something that the world needs.

I think the potential audience is big, but the Turing Church magazine needs a quantum leap to reach its potential audience with more frequent essays, reviews, interviews, podcasts, and videos.

I am looking for writers and editors to work with me. I want to keep the magazine free and ad-free, but of course my collaborators must be paid.

Science fiction collection

I want to put together a collection of science fiction stories on technological resurrection, science-inspired reincarnation, God-like beings in the universe and beyond, the very far future of intelligent life, and all that. I am looking for writers and editors, and I want to compensate them fairly.

Virtual Turing Church

UPDATE, December 2019: I have long been thinking of a Virtual Reality (VR) space for Turing Church talks, events, informal gatherings, and why not real religious services.

I tried to launch similar projects in the past, but previous attempts didn’t attract a critical mass of participants. Perhaps the technologies used were not yet robust or user-friendly enough?

I will try again: I am experimenting with some promising technologies. See:

A virtual Turing Church on the Moon in VR

You are invited to join the initial phase of the project as a volunteer. In the future, I’ll look for collaborators, event hosts, and technical specialists. Once again, the plan is to compensate all collaborators fairly.

Picture from Libreshot.



Writer, futurist, sometime philosopher. Author of “Tales of the Turing Church” and “Futurist spaceflight meditations.”